An arrest for voyeurism can be embarrassing, but it can also land you in jail. Over the years we have defended men for secretly video recording women and couples in various states of undress. Cameras have been hidden in smoke detectors, clocks and other devices to record people in Air B&B and other facilities such as vacation rentals. Cameras have been hidden in dressing rooms and in some instances installed by landlords. The prosecutors and Courts look harshly on this type of conduct.
We have also defended men for secretly recording themselves engaged in sexual activity with women. Voyeurism is what as known as a paraphilic disorder where people get sexual gratification from watching others engaged in sex or states of undress. It sounds harmless and generally does not lead to any other type of crime, but watching or video recording others in sexual activity is against the law.
Sometimes men have secretly recorded themselves with girlfriends and the later posted the videos after a breakup. This form of "revenge" can also in some instances land you in trouble.
Unfortunately sometimes people can accidently record others in various stages of undress with security cameras.
The crime involves a degree of intent, and proof that it was an accident may well be a defense.
Voyeurism can also result in an arrest for being what is commonly call being a "Peeping Tom".
This is a totally misunderstood affliction where men look into neighbors windows. This is often interpreted by neighbors as threatening conduct and can land you in jail.
If you have been charged with voyeurism and want to discuss your case, we offer free consultation
SARASOTA OFFICE # 941-366-3506 FT. MYERS OFFICE # 239-334-8890 In Florida call 941-366-3506
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1188 N Tamiami Trail 205 A Sarasota, Florida 34236